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Community Work Involving Dim Residents And Habema To Clean Kenyam Vhurch

Kenyam Nduga-  ||One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 503/Mayangkara Kostrad, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Nduga Regency, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Monday, 4 November 2024, residents of the Dim Village, Kenyam District, with the 503 Soldiers, implemented the results of Social Communication with Community Figures of the Dim Village along with the Leader and Staff of the Kenyam GPDI Church, to hold a community service cleaning the Church.


In his emphasis on the Soldiers, the Commander of the 503 Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel Gurbasa Samosir, conveyed the importance of the Task Forces’ attention to the basic necessities of the community around the Post. Therefore, since mid-October, an appointed Officer, Second Lieutenant Yudi Riandoko, has conducted Social Communication with the Dim Village Community Figures and the Leader and Staff of the Kenyam GPDI Church regarding plans to clean the Church. After discussion, they agreed that the cleaning time would be Monday (4/11) at the Kenyam GPDI Church.


A palpable sense of unity and shared responsibility filled the air as preparations began. The Soldiers and the community were united in their readiness to conduct the cleaning. All residents and the Soldiers were equally enthusiastic about the task, which involved the active participation of Dim community members and the Soldiers on duty in Papua. The church area bore witness to the joint efforts of the Soldiers and community members. After the activity, Mr. Markus Kogoya, a Dim resident, expressed his gratitude, saying, “Thank you, Commander 503, for cleaning the Church together. God bless”. This sense of unity and shared responsibility is a testament to the strong community spirit that exists in Kenyam District.


After receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, acknowledged the 503 Task Forces’ initiative to collaborate with the Dim Village community to clean the Kenyam GPDI Church. His words: “The 503 Task Forces’ initiative is a testament to TNI’s commitment to conduct inclusive Social Communication with all parties to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region.” This acknowledgment from the highest authority in HABEMA underscores the significant impact of such initiatives on the region’s development. It instills profound hope and optimism about their potential to positively shape the region’s future, demonstrating the promising trajectory of the region’s growth. It makes the Task Forces and the community feel recognized and appreciated for their efforts.




Kenyam Nduga ||Satuan Tugas Batalyon Infanteri (Satgas Yonif) Para Raider 503/Mayangkara Kostrad, sebagai salah satu Satuan Jajaran Komando Operasi HABEMA di Papua, tengah melaksanakan tugas Operasi Pengamanan Perbatasan Mobil RI-PNG, khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Nduga, Provinsi Papua Pegunungan. Pada hari Senin, 4 November 2024, warga Kampung Dim, Distrik Kenyam, bersama para Prajurit Satgas Yonif 503 Kostrad merealisasikan hasil Komunikasi Sosial dengan Tokoh Masyarakat Kampung Dim beserta Pimpinan dan Staf Gereja GPDI Kota Kenyam, dalam rangka menyelenggarakan kegiatan gotong royong pembersihan gereja.


Dalam penekanannya kepada para Prajurit TNI, Komandan Satgas Yonif 503 Kostrad, Letkol Inf Gurbasa Samosir, menyampaikan pentingnya perhatian Satgas kepada kebutuhan dasar masyarakat di sekitar Pos. Oleh sebab itu, sejak pertengahan bulan Oktober yang lalu, salah satu Perwira Satgas yang ditunjuk, Letda Inf Yudi Riandoko, telah melakukan Komunikasi Sosial dengan Tokoh Masyarakat Kampung Dim beserta Pimpinan dan Staf Gereja GPDI Kota Kenyam, terkait rencana pembersihan lapangan gereja. Setelah diskusi, telah disepakati waktu pembersihan gereja pada hari Senin (4/11) di Gereja GPDI Kota Kenyam.


Setelah persiapan selesai dilaksanakan, para Prajurit TNI bersama para warga masyarakat siap untuk melaksanakan kegiatan kerja bakti. Seluruh warga dan Prajurit TNI antusias melaksanakan kegiatan pembersihan yang dilakukan bersama melibatkan peran masyarakat Dim dan Prajurit TNI yang sedang bertugas di Papua. Seluruh area Gereja GPDI Kota Kenyam tidak lepas dari sentuhan tangan para Prajurit TNI dan warga masyarakat yang bahu membahu membersihan. Usai kegiatan, Bapak Markus Kogoya, salah seorang warga Kampung Dim, berkata “Terima kasih Komandan 503, sudah bekerjasama membersihkan Gereja. Tuhan memberkati“.


“Inisiatif Satgas Yonif 503 Kostrad bekerjasama dengan masyarakat Kampung Dim membersihkan area Gereja GPDI Kota Kenyam, merupakan wujud TNI melaksanakan Komunikasi Sosial inklusif dengan seluruh warga di Daerah Tugas, dalam rangka mendukung percepatan pembangunan di wilayah Papua”, ungkap Panglima HABEMA, Brigjen TNI Lucky Avianto, pasca menerima laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan.(Tim/Ari)





Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho